Julie Hollingsworth Counseling

Julie Hollingsworth Counseling
It is time to wake up…
It is time to feel who you are…
Time to awaken to what your purpose and passion in life is…
It is not necessary to live in the drudgery of that worldly or societal energy.
It is not good for the soul.
Your body, mind, and soul need and want to be fed with energy
that increases your own and enables you to feel joy and fulfillment in your life.
It is time to bring the shadow self out in the open
and invite the angels to help you heal and
be who you came here to be…
It is time…
ARE You Ready?
Julie A. Hollingsworth - PhD, LCDC, ADC III, ICADC
Doctor of Philosophy in Esoteric Studies, PhD
There is a time when one has to come to grips with the fact that there are things to be revealed to others that may not be comfortable to hear or acknowledge. This is that time for me. It is time for me to tell you exactly what I do to assist people on their journey to consciousness. As I said before I am a counselor. I am able to be much more than that today. I do counseling and I have added energy psychology as a modality that I use along with working with the Angels, Ascended Masters, and God. I know God to be an energy or being that we do not have the language to explain. Some people call this energy Great Spirit, Spirit, the Universe, Nature, etc.
I am able to assist in clearing people of energies that have been with them or on them for long periods of time. The Angels are able to remove such energies and take them to the light. Light and Love are the only energies allowed in the work I do and amazing results have come from such clearing. Energetic clearing mixed with counseling and processing seems to be a combination that has come to be my life work now. As I went through my own process of removing and having things removed from my body, mind, and soul I became clearer and more conscious. Consciousness is the goal and when you are in consciousness there is nothing that can move you. You can also see through eyes that are clear of all of the wounding, trauma, fear and insecurities that come from being covered in all that you lived through and with.
Look at books like, “The Secret”, “As a Man Thinketh”, “Ask and It Is Given”, “The Four Agreements”, they are bestsellers, why? The answer is people are looking for something to show them the way, not knowing that all of the answers are right there within. This is what the Angels want to help you with and this is what you are able to achieve when you begin your journey into consciousness. In consciousness there is no ego which some say stands for “Easing God Out” and it is true. The ego is the false self created to serve you in a world that does not see you or anyone else as they really are. Inside of you lives a world of light and love, compassion and empathy, humility and integrity.
“Love can accomplish anything and everything: cure diseases, heal wounded hearts, transform human minds.” -Amma
I am here to assist people on this journey, this is my purpose!
The Angels give me information to give to whomever I am assisting in their journey. They will tell me things that have been repressed, suppressed, and oppressed, consciously or unconsciously. It is easier when they are involved in the process because they can see what needs to be brought up and cleared away. I will tell you that they will bring things from the past, present, and future. They will bring statements from loved ones, things that you are thinking and not saying, and others to help in your healing. It is nothing to be afraid of; they love you and want nothing more than to help. They love to be invited into your lives!
Horses are enlightened beings and are able to show you who you are. They are prey animals and do not attack in the way a dog or cat do. They are more like deer. Horses will mirror you and help you bring your shadow, wounding, or avoidance to the surface. These beautiful animals can help heal you in ways that you can’t imagine. They will love you where you are, for some that is more valuable than anything.
Our goal here is to help you awaken spiritually so that you can be spiritually conscious. Consciousness is the optimal state. It is transparent and simple. There are no lies to yourself or others and there is no room for gossip, drama, criticism, judgment, or projection. From this place you can see that everything that happens to you is about you and gives you opportunity to heal and grow. If taken personally the opportunity dies.
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EAC involves horses assisting individuals healing from addiction, trauma, and PTSD, by removing emotional blocks from the physical body. Some individuals are unable to unlock their pain and problems by using traditional therapy. Equine Assisted Counseling assists the Authentic Self to surface and join the heart. It is truly an amazing experience that people are not even aware horses are capable of providing. 713-526-HELP (4357)
Individual sessions last 90 minutes and the fee is $150.00. If more time is needed, there is an additional $100.00 for an extra 60 minutes.
Group sessions last approximately 3 hours and they are set for a group of 6 people. There is a $600.00 to $750.00 charge for group sessions with an extra fee for more participants and extra time.
Please call for a consultation at 713-526-HELP (4357)
Horses helping people heal from anything is something we don’t think of happening, yet it does. We are used to using them for whatever we have in mind for them to do such as tools, show ponies, athletes, show ponies, athletes, breeders, etc. Horses never had this in mind, we did and needed them for our lives to be more comfortable in the past. People had no idea that they were anything else but something to better their lives in whatever way.
Horses have senses we have not engaged in with them and usually have no idea how to do so. I have learned what it is to listen to them and have them help me heal. They do this in a way we are not familiar with and it feels impossible that they could do this for us. I have seen healing with horses happen right in front of me hundreds of times and I am still astonished. I now know that they truly are sentient being only because I have noticed how they react to different frequencies in people that are doing their healing work. A horse with not come near a person if their frequency is very low and the person is in a place of being closed emotionally. Horses speak in pictures and frequencies and when a person can see the picture in their mind and attach the feelings or emotions to that picture the horse will engage with that person. If there are no feelings in the heart of the person, there is no connection with the horse because there is nothing for the horse to attach to.
A horse can literally begin to take the frequency of the picture and feelings from the person if the person is willing to release it to the horse. The horse neutralizes the emotions and afterwards the picture has no high or low, it is neutral. The picture becomes something that feels like looking through a picture book with the memory, but the memory is also difficult to hold onto.
This takes place with a horse whether it be physical pain, emotional trauma or pain, grief and loss, addiction, shame and guilt, depression, anxiety, fear, PTSD, amongst other issues.
When I work with a horse, I am asking the horse to work with this person and give this person the safety of being at Liberty with them. Liberty is when the horse has no halter, saddle, bridle, or any other restraints. The horse is free to move around the open pen with this person and do as they please. There are times when a horse will mirror the person in the round pen with them and this is astonishing because the horse shows the person what they do in their life that is not working for them or keeping them in patterns that deny them freedom. Freedom is something a horse has mastered in their souls as a being that comes from complete freedom, even being an animal of prey. This amazing being choses to interact with you and we are predators. Why would they do this! Just as they went into battle for the rider that they had loyalty and love with, they died for them, an animal of prey. Are you beginning to understand just how much they have and can do for us? They are waiting for us to join them in an ascended position where we can live as they do, in the moment.
I can ask a horse to be with me and help me with the release of a burden or something that I have carried around for years that is keeping me from moving forward in my journey. All I must do is give them the picture and sometimes they give me a picture that I had not thought of in decades or even remembered. How do they do this? I can not answer this and no one can but it is true, and it happens daily with healing with them. I am willing to release all of it to them and it is taken and then it is gone from my entire being!
This work is waiting for people to use to heal, just waiting for you. Why is it not none throughout the world? Why is it not a modality that is used for everything we need to heal? Please answer this or ask yourself how much longer you want to suffer when it will never serve you, never.
They were sent here over 60 million years ago, and they have seen more than we have and know much more than you can imagine. I will always be honored to work with these amazing creatures given to us from above and know what is waiting for us to acknowledge.
You must believe that this work is not being done the way it is done here. I sit with the horse and a person as I am outside the pen and I can translate along with energies that are coming in to tell me what is needed to take place next. This is an intuitive action from me and what I lend to this process and reading what the horse is doing. I can hear in my head what is happening and what needs to happen next to facilitate the healing response. I am also empathic, something that is very helpful with the horses because I can feel what the person is feeling and help facilitate the opening of that person’s heart to the process of release. I used to have such a difficult time living with these gifts until I realized these gifts are like the horses and what they can feel. Their sensitivities are so strong that I am also able to feel them. This came to me several years ago and I tried to deny them, but I now know what they are for and how to use them. I understand the horses and just how much they experience in the world. We have no idea what they are capable of. Please hear me when I say that I know who they are, and it is these gifts and sensitivities they possess that will heal us in this world we live in today. Just trust a little and you have no idea how much you will receive.
Dr. Julie Hollingsworth, LCDC, ADC III, PhD
Doctor of Esoteric Studies
Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
Over 30 year’s experience
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, Level III Diplomate
Energy Psychology Practitioner
713-526-HELP (4357)
Never had I understood ways in which frequencies and vibrations relate to our thoughts, words, and behaviors. I observed when I was not looking for it and it changed my life. I watched people intact with others in fun, arguments, etc.…
I learned this behavior by first watching people doing Equine Assisted Counseling. I am an empathic intuitive and I was able to feel when different behavior would present itself. If the person changed, had feelings, remembered before. I watched miracles happen right in front of my face and knew they wouldn’t have happened unless the person was willing to go to those places within themselves.
When a person was open to it was as if the horse connected to the frequencies of the person and in those frequencies, I could feel it to and so could my interns. Each one of us felt the same everything.
Remember, each thought had a frequency, every feeling had a frequencies, and movement or change in behavior.
When Julie is turning into the angels on my behalf. I love listening to her call them by name and station and function. I love hearing these old words spoken afresh and with purpose! At some points, I have chills of affirmation, or truth, chills as one friend describes them, and I know something really powerful and beautiful is happening. Because everything is within the Light, and the desire for the highest and best for all concerned is the umbrella, I can let go of fears of ego or selfishness. It’s always been hard for me to ask God, or even myself for what I really want because I was taught that humility was more like self abasement. It’s been hard for me to move into believing that I am cherished and loved by the most high, but it is water in a desert for me to begin to take and that truth into my heart. I am looking for that sweet spot of knowing I am loved and worthy without thinking that I am “more special”. Somehow Julie is helping me find that place and it feels like the right seed planted in the right soil. I feel lighter and freer, and even more self-confident and praying on my own behalf, and on behalf of others. Sometimes I have feelings in my body that good stuff is happening in there, as a result of this work. I am grateful that we have been brought together for her to support me and understanding myself and the nature of divine love.
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